Thursday, April 21, 2011

Garden Time!!!

Well Folks I told you a while back that I was gonna put in a garden this year....and I planted (with a lot of help from my Daddy!) most of my garden last week! I am happy to announce that now 7 days later and on wind storm later I still have most of my garden! As I watered today I notice little heads polking up out of the ground! Hopefully the Donkey named Spot's trek through my garden didn't hurt anything!

I had started seeds in the house for my tomatoes, peppers and some onions....unfortunately the wind and my lack of know how took care of those and they died a quick death....But my Daddy being my Daddy has promised to buy me some plants to replace them and we will try the heirloom plants again next year! I think Daddy and the Tool Man are as excited about this whole thing as I am! They want all the heirloom and non hybrid plants....I just want something to put on the dinner table that I don't have to buy!
As You can see our Potatoes are growing good. Tool Man planted these in he is really bad about mixing the varieties I am not quite certain what will come out of the ground at the end of the growing season....but we should have plenty! I want to try growing these in a trash can one year...has anyone tried that method????

Even though the picture is sides ways these are our I didn't start these...we bought the bunches from the feed store ....but they are doing good as well!
I am pretty sure this is a side ways picture of the garlic that Tool Man planted too! He said that some of it was jumbo! I love cooking with garlic but prefer to get it in a jar already minced so that my hands don't forever smell of garlic! But I am sure I will use this and enjoy it!

My very inventive hubby built this enclosure for me to have as a mulch pile! I just love it! If you couldn't tell by the picture we have a lot of sand...and our garden is mostly we have a lot of work to do getting the soil better able to handle a garden! One of these days it will be awesome....however for the time being I am gonna be grateful for what we receive from our labors!

Luckily between the cows and the chickens....natural fertilizer shouldn't be a problem next year!

Do you have a Garden??? What did you plant??
I have Potatoes, Onion, Garlic, Corn, Green Beans, Zucchini, Yellow Squash, Carrots,  and Okra. Hoping to have some lettuce, beets, radishes, tomatoes, and peppers planted by tomorrow afternoon!

God Bless,
Mama D

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